

‧ 本校校風純樸,獲得「關愛校園」榮譽,在教導新移民及非華語學生方面極具經驗。
‧ 非華語學生支援措施包括校本中國語文學習支援計劃,準備學生在中五應考國際普通中學
     教育文憑 (IGCSE) 考試中國語文科。
‧ 設有助學金及其他津貼幫助有需要的學生,例如學費減免、校本書簿津貼、校服津貼
‧ The School has established a caring ethos and has won the Caring School Award.
     Our teachers are experienced in assisting newly-arrived children and non-Chinese
     students in adapting to the local education system.
‧ The support measures for NCS students include a school-based Chinese Language      Learning Support Programme to prepare students to sit for the IGCSE (Chinese)      Examination in S.5.
‧ The School provides full fee remission and School-based allowances for needy
‧ 本校校风纯朴,获得「关爱校园」荣誉,在教导新移民及非华语学生方面极具经验。
‧ 非华语学生支持措施包括校本中国语文学习支持计划,准备学生在中五应考国际普通中学
      教育文凭 (IGCSE) 考试中国语文科。
‧ 设有助学金及其他津贴帮助有需要的学生,例如学费减免丶校本书簿津贴丶校服津贴